"The priest waved its hands in a gesture of permission. 'Discipline isn't what you think it is.'" (2021) 10" x 10" gouache, oil and glitter on wood
"No rice! No rice! No. No. No." (2021) 10" x 10" Gouache and oil on wood
"'Like JEsus in the dessert," said the message, 'and i was crying crying crying'" (2021) 10" x 10" gouache, oil and glitter on wood
"They wanted to know if I had eaten in the past fourteen hours; I had." (2021) 10" x 10" gouache, oil and glitter on wood
"One told the other: 'She is normal. She is normal. Nothing happens to her.'" (2021) gouache, oil and glitter on wood
"The priest rolled its eyes. 'Fear is a note, not a chord. Who's going to love you enough to make you brave?'" (2021) 8" x 10" gouache and oil on wood
"Sad? Which story is sad? The one that I'm telling you, or the one that you're hearing?" (2021) 8" x 10" gouache, oil and glitter on wood
"'You can keep running,' said the priest, 'but my eye is like the eye of the fly, reflecting 4,000 images of you.'" (2021) 8" x 10" gouache and oil on wood
"We thought you were an angel, but you're just a glutton with wings." (2021) 8" x 12" gouache and oil on wood
"You could fit three of me in them." (2021) gouache and oil on wood
"I keep making you up and unmaking you, much like America." (2021) 8" x 12" gouache and oil on wood
"Nothing here is done without thought." (2021) 8" x 10" gouache and oil on wood
"Ranch House" (2021) 8" x 10" gouache and oil on wood
"'I'll treat you as one person,' said the priest, 'and call you both, 'me.'" (2021)
"Even so, there was a grandeur in it." (2021) gouache and oil on wood
"Ignorant and happy: that was the best way to be in life." (2021) 8" x 10" gouache and oil on wood
"Sense of an ending" (2021) gouache, oil, crayon, clay, glitter on wood
"They would be 43 years old when it happened on earth." (2021) 12" x 12" gouache and oil on wood
"'Don't overthink it,' said the priest. 'Trust the process.'" (2021) 12" x 12" gouache and oil on wood
"How is a condemned person supposed to behave?" (2021) 12" x 12" gouache, oil stick and glitter on wood
"It is my duty to point out the pattern, even if there is no pattern at all." (2021) 12" x 12" gouache, oil and glitter on wood
"The cards help me see things in an open-minded way." (2021) 12" x 12" gouache and oil on wood
"'Stop trying to love everyone,' said the priest. 'Stop trying to love yourself. Just marvel at the world.' (A phenomenon is a sign)." 18" x 24" (2019/2021)
oil, gouache, chalk, and glitter on wood.
"Swiss cheese, because of the holes." (2021) 16" x 20" gouache, oil and chalk on wood.
"'That's a common fantasy among my clientele,' said the doctor with a conspiratorial smile. (The preconditions of a surprise)'" (2021) 16" x 20" gouache and oil on wood
"She wasn't a poet. She was a poem." 8" x 8" gouache, oil, glitter on wood.
"Pink Shrine" (2021) 16" x 12" gouache, oil and glitter on wood.
"Options in Community Living" (2021) 8" x 8" oil, gouache and glitter on wood.
"They had to fight it all the way (the way to where?)" (2021) 8" x 8" gouache, oil and glitter on wood.
"There is a slight shamanistic edge to what we do here at the agency." (2021) 8" x 8" gouache, oil, chalk and magic marker on wood
"'That Arthur Lee Band, Love.' 'What?' 'That Arthur Lee Band, Love.'" (2021) 8" x 8" gouache, oil and glitter on wood
"I was as you are now. (Wherefore this repetition?)" (2021) 8" x 8" gouache, oil and glitter on wood.
"If we swapped places, it would make no difference (A shadow of myself, made by myself)." (2021) 8" x 8" gouache, glitter and oil on wood.
Shaman Sequence, 2: "What had changed were their beliefs (a spoon bends, or doesn't)." (2021) 8" x 8" gouache, oil and glitter on wood.
"He stayed four nights and we watched a lot of movies." (2021) 8" x 8" oil on wood
"The things my wife will buy (Romantic Wordsworth: 1)" (2020-21) 8" x 8" gouache and oil on wood
"He was more of a coin man; no interest in jewelry at all (Romantic Wordsworth: 2)" (2020-21) 8" x 8" acrylic, oil and glitter on wood
"A Day Passes" (2020-21) 12" x 12" oil, glitter, acrylic on wood
"A Day Passes, 2: The past is a damp crease (Pothos)" (2020-21) 12" x 12" glitter, acrylic, oil on wood
"A Day Passes, 3: A Peach in the Garden Where Only Lemons Grow" oil and acrylic on wood, 12" x 12"